martes, 8 de diciembre de 2020


                                          LIVING TO CHANGE  


Often people cannot relate to other people, and much more if they are introverts or when they are in the middle of strangers.

It also happens when they change their environment.

To being with 3 years ago I was a very introverted person. I used to stay away from a lot of people, because it was hard for me to start a conversation. During class I used to sit in the front row, to pay more attention to what the teacher explained. I used to like to stay in a lonely space, because every time I spoke I would immediately blush. After that I tried many ways to get rid of shyness. After a while I began to participate in competitions that the school carried out, in all areas, reading, recitation among other things. As soon as I started doing it, I felt a change when it came to socializing with others.


When I was already in my last year of school, I used to socialize with the people who approached me and the shyness almost completely disappeared, I already got along very well with everyone, and I no longer blushed when I spoke.

Suddenly I discovered that I liked to recite and I loved participating in events of this type. After a while of leaving school, I decided that I would choose Communication, since it is a career that caught my attention since I investigated what it was about, and it was related to what I liked the most. Expressing myself with people became one of my greatest interests.

 In the end, having taken the risk to participate helped me a lot to remove my shyness, although it was a challenge, but finally what I longed for could be achieved.

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